Saturday, July 5, 2008

Independence Day had a new meaning for me this year!

Probably the true highlight of yesterday was a conversation with my new business assistant!

I've really been working to get more and more of my business delegated so that I am not at all bogged down by tasks that I do not find enjoyable. Funny how the less favored tasks don't seem to get completed nearly as quickly or thoroughly as the ones that are in keeping with my unique brilliance!

I am calling it my Independence from doing tasks I prefer not to do...
Independence from other tolerations in my life...unnecessary paper...forgotten clothes in the closet...a few extra pounds...annoying congestion...too much email...too many magazines... Think you probably get the picture!!

I'll always remember this Independence Day as a significant expression of freedom!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Learning how to delegate is an INCREDIBLE skill that we all have to work on from time to time.

Congrats on what you're doing. Keep it up.

Stanley Bronstein