Saturday, February 9, 2008

Are Your Strengths Blocking the Path to Your Goals?

Teleseminar Monday, February 18, at 8 pm Eastern Time

To optimize your unique abilities, you first need to be aware of what they are!

We often do not even recognize that what we offer is exceptional. It can take another person or an assessment to let you know this. We are so used to living with our strengths that we may think they are just commonplace.

Why does this matter? How does that make a difference in my life?

When you focus on making the most use of your talents, you can see these results:

1. Skillful delegation of tasks not compatible with your strengths
2. Higher energy level from avoiding the drain of doing dreaded tasks
3. Better production and increased revenues from full engagement
4. Increased implementation of your creative ideas
5. Time for R and R
6. Improved health
7. Improved relationships with less stress and frustration in your life

"So, how can my strengths block the path to my goals?"
We'll discuss this issue and you will do some exercises to identify your strengths and how they are affecting your progress.

You'll leave with an action plan to make 2008 your best year yet!

Dialing into a teleforum is an easy and time-effective way to connect and learn. This is a hands-on, interactive workshop where you will identify your strengths and brainstorm how they are an asset and how they can be a detriment to your success!

Call Details:

Monday, February 18, 2008 at 8 pm Eastern Time.
You will receive the bridgeline number to call in response to your email.
Those present on the call will be entered into a drawing to receive a gift.

Register today by sending an email to with Strengths Teleseminar in the subject line to let me know you'd like to be part of the teleseminar.

Please include a question that you'd like to be answered on the call so that our time together will be of most value to you.

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