Sunday, December 2, 2007

7 Keys For Moving Exuberantly Into A Successful 2008!

As we move into December, it's time to start thinking about closing out 2007 and getting ready to move into 2008. Here are seven suggestions for you to consider as you move through this month:

7 Keys For Moving Exuberantly Into A Successful 2008!


1. What are your top 5 achievements of 2007?

Lessons learned from them?

2. What are the 5 greatest disappointments you have from 2007?

Lessons learned from them?


3. What are you tolerating in your life?

In other words, what are the little annoyances in all areas of your life that you haven't resolved?

It might be something as simple as a cluttered car or as major as a roof on your home needing replacement.

It could be a relationship with a friend or family member that is draining your energy.

Perhaps you have a lot of files that need to be organized.

Are there events or meetings that you would like to eliminate from your life?

List tolerations from all areas of your life just to assess where you are right now.

4. Develop a Pleasure Menu!

1. Think of activities that you enjoy. Some might be ones you haven't done in a long time. Perhaps some you do occasionally and would really like to do more often.

2. Create categories for your menu: "Mindless", "Creative", "Physical", etc.
List all activities you can think of that would be pleasurable for you to do in free moments.

When you find you have a little free time, look at your menu and choose an activity that fits into the time span you have available. Don't let that time be wasted by some activity you don't even enjoy. (like bad TV!)

Actually set aside small or larger chunks of time in your calendar and choose from your desired activities to have some restorative time

You'll go back to your work and responsibilities with renewed energy and exuberance.


5. Set intentions in different areas of your life: friends, family, business, self care, etc. When we set an intention, it means we're moving toward something. Goals, on the other hand, seem more static and set in stone. Having intentions leaves us open for an even greater outcome than we could imagine!

Visualize yourself meeting those intentions. Imagine the sights, sounds, smells, and touch of the experience you want to have. Feel your body moving in the way you would imagine in that situation.

6. Find support rather than working in a vacuum. You could get a success buddy, hire a coach, join an inspiring book study group, join a Master Mind group or look for an advocate who can introduce you to others who would be of service to you and your intentions.

7. Acknowledge your progress during the new year on a daily basis. Notice what you are doing well. Avoid focusing on what is not complete or not done as well as you would have liked. And plan a CELEBRATION for the end of 2008 for an acknowledgement to all of your successes for the year!

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