Alzheimer's in the Family is my new blog focusing on the challenges of having a parent with Alzheimer's. Click on the graphic to go there!
Caution! Family Challenges Can Be Hazardous to Your Productivity!
Specific Strategies for moving forward …no matter what!
Learn specific, innovative ways to deliver your marketing, maximize productivity, and optimize family involvement.
Yes...You CAN have a healthy business even when you are dealing with challenging family situations.
Would you like to learn ways that you can modify how you operate your business to be able to balance all of your responsibilities?
Do you forget about yourself when you are focused on the family members who need attention? You'll learn ways to enhance your health and ease your stress.
Are you experiencing total overwhelm and even some discouragement about the future of your business?
We can take a fresh look at your business to see what you'd like to improve or totally change.
Suzanne Holman
Suzanne Holman, MAEd
Alzheimer's Coach, Life and Business Coach with a location-independent business, allowing her to work wherever she is.